Talk to us.

Barbara Allison

Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
Connect with Barbara on LinkedIn.

How would you describe your role?

I am not a professional cheerleader, but I play one at VCapital. I make sure our current and potential investors know how to find us and learn about us across a variety of communication channels.

What about your background led you to VCapital?

Variety. Starting at Scripps College, a eucalyptus-scented college in California, I then landed at a state university of 35,000 in the middle of Illinois farm country with the aroma of sheep farms. From there I ran a fan club for a country-rock band, then founded a graphic design firm in the middle of a recession, survived and thrived in the major shift from print to digital, then joined the home networking marketing team at 3Com, followed by a stint at Apple and Hazelden, then several years in wealth management marketing communications roles at a Chicago financial firm -- where I was hired the first time by Jim Vaughan. Thanks Jim. :-)

What is your venture capital philosophy?

Everything changes and one thing almost always leads to another. That's a good thing. Keep listening and learning. Always be open-minded.